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August 30, 2010

I Love Kung Fu

Well, Monkey wouldn't learn Mandarin, so we made her take Kung Fu classes. As usual, she was hesitant, but this was not negotiable. We made her go to the introductory class.

According to MonkeyDaddy, it went pretty well. Monkey was beaming and laughing the whole time. When she came home, she happily announced that she loved kung fu, and that she was scared before she went but now she loved it.

Monkey learned how to do kicks and punches, and how to deflect an enemy coming at her with a stick and block his punches. That was impressive. Maybe we should all take kung fu. I know Rugrat is ready.

We talked to the daycare lady about what happened to Monkey during the recess last week. She said her kids went through similar things and it was great that we sent her to martial arts classes. It seems that the schools typically don't do a thing when there is bullying going on. They might say zero tolerance, but they don't seem to practice what they preach. Yup, a lawyer would come in handy in this situation. We got a new principal, maybe it will be different. But we want to get our girls ready.

And apparently we are not the only concerned parents. It looks like some of our coworkers are also looking for self defense classes for their children. Well, it is the first week of school after all.

Posted by Mike at August 30, 2010 08:15 PM


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