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September 21, 2008

All Dressed Up, Nowhere to Go


Well, Monkey turned 4 today. We had big plans for her originally. We were going to take her to Disneyland to have lunch with Princesses. But because of work, we had to cancel it. She had the outfit ready for royalty, but we weren't going anywhere. Monkey's mom wanted to get her a balloon just to keep up with the tradition, but not this year because she was too tired to go out. It seemed to get worse as the day went on.

She really liked her Princess dress, although she complained about the scratchy fabric later.

We thought about taking her to the zoo in the afternoon, but we got home really late last night, it upset Rugrat's routines, so nobody got a good rest. We were all very tired today. And when Rugrat was tired, she acted cranky. Yeah, so the mood was off from the start.

Then we made the girls take a nap in the afternoon. Rugrat wouldn't sleep, so she cried and her crankiness continued. As for Monkey, she just found things to entertain herself. She is an independent girl. She can play by herself just fine.

After dinner, we brought her the cake she got yesterday at the restaurant. She was happy to have yet another birthday cake. We sat her down, gave her a fork, and went on our way. Monkey's mom had to feed Rugrat and Monkey's dad had to research for a vacuum cleaner on the internet.

Pretty soon, we heard Monkey singing, "Happy Birthday to You. Happy Birthday [Monkey]. Happy Birthday to You."

Talked about heartbreaking!

So we asked her if she would like us to sing her Happy Birthday song, she happily said, "Yeah!"

We brought out candles and sang to her. Even Rugrat was excited.


As parents, we felt awful about what happened, but she didn't mind. She was so happy.

After a few bites of the cake, she was done. So we gave her the last present.


Now she has the entire Lego Duplo Dino collection. She loves it. She played for hours, and we let her stay up until 10. She asked us not to put the blocks back because she wanted to play more tomorrow.


Putting a man on the tree.


A very serious player. I should add that she created the entire scene herself. We didn't give her instructions booklets. Didn't see the need for it. It is her toys, she could do whatever she likes.

I think we did okay. Monkey seemed to have a very good birthday after all.

Posted by Mike at September 21, 2008 10:52 PM


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