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August 13, 2008



Monkey has been going to ballet lessons for three weeks. It is amazing to see how much she improves over the last few weeks.

The first week, it was a disaster. We thought she might be too young. At one point, the teacher had students put on tutus. She had never put one on, so she didn't know how to go about it. Frustrated, she ran to us crying.

The second week, she was much excited. She ran around like an athlete in a competitive sport, almost knocking a little girl over. We scolded her. She pouted and cried. Other than that, she made some progress.

The third week, we asked her to pay attention to the teacher and ignored other little girls. She was marvelous. She did really well, we were happy, and the teacher was impressed with her attentiveness and performance.

The session lasts about six weeks, but students can stay on if desired. We are not sure what to do yet. The class is at 9 a.m. on Saturday. It is just a little too early. When you think about all these Olympians on TV these days and how much effort, disciplines, and sacrifices they and their families have been through, I doubt we will be raising an Olympian anytime soon.

Monkey *enjoys* the lessons. We just signed her up for a different dancing class on a weeknight. She seems to really like it as well. We will let her decide when the time comes. Other than that, it is good to keep her active.

Posted by Mike at August 13, 2008 09:03 PM


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