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August 17, 2008



Recently Monkey's mom bought Crayola Mega Coloring Murals for some "Mommy and Me" bonding time. There were some arguments about who should color what using which crayon, but we both enjoyed it.

This experience sparked MonkeyMama's interest to find an even bigger mural than the Crayola Mega Coloring Murals, which measure approximately 2ft x 3ft on each sheet, but she has had no luck.

However, she vaguely remembers that this painting would be quite a feat if she can get a copy of it. Depending on which versions, the one she is interested in is from the 18th century measuring 37ft x 1ft. That ought to keep the entire family busy. Nobody is selling a coloring copy of this painting, so MonkeyMama might end up tracing the painting herself and then have Monkey color it, only after she gets a resized copy (about 23ft long) from the National Palace Museum in Taiwan.

By the way, does anybody know who sells paper this size?

Posted by Mike at August 17, 2008 09:41 PM


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