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January 25, 2006
Katy loves to doodle. We had some accidents on the wall. At first, we cleaned it right away. Now we just admire Katy's murals. Thankfully, we bought her washable crayons.
Katy's daddy is her new favorite. Yesterday, her mom had her arms out and asked Katy to come over for a little hug. But Katy just carefully walked around her, ran to her daddy and hugged him. It used to be that Katy was glued to her mommy's arms. She now gets "jealous" when her parents are hugging each other.
The other day, when Katy's daddy went to pick her up at the daycare, the kids as usual were standing near the gate waiting for their parents. Katy was standing in the second row. As soon as she noticed her daddy, she jumped up and down to get his attention. When they were about to leave the daycare, the daycare lady's assistant was passing out pretzels to the kids and of course Katy noticed that. She demanded to have some, and the assistant walked over to the door and gave Katy two pretzels, one for each hand. Yes, she has trained daycare people well. When someone presents her a plate of crackers, she would stuff her mouth first and then have pieces in each hand. We are not sure where this gene is from. Katy's dad denied having such a recollection when he was little. It does sound like something Katy's mom would do.
Posted by Mike at January 25, 2006 10:03 PM
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