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April 25, 2005
"Hmm, I wonder which of these I can add to my bottle?"
We had a rough weekend. Katy is probably going through separation anxiety phase. On Saturday and Sunday, she would sleep for a couple of hours and start crying. We would go soothe her and then she refused to be put down in the crib again, so we let her sleep with us. We are both very exhausted. We read all we could about this sleeping problem on the internet (especially that she has been a good sleeper), and the best label we can find is night separation anxiety. We also read about attachment parenting, Ferber method, co-sleeping, etc. to deal with this problem and still have no idea what to do tonight. I think the most important thing is that we all get a good night sleep. So, don't raise your eyebrows if Katy is still in our bed 18 years from now.
Posted by Mike at April 25, 2005 06:33 PM
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